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Ready, Set, Cestujte!

Autorenbild: Lea The DobrovolníkLea The Dobrovolník

Aktualisiert: 4. März 2020

Hello, my fellow readers!

Before we start discovering the Šumperk district together I thought it would only be right to introduce myself.

My name is Lea and I currently live in the Czech republic. I actually am from Austria - the land of Mozart, Schnitzel and The Sound of Music. (Not to be mistaken with Australia - the only kangaroos we have live in zoos.) You may ask yourself how I ended up here. Well, after I finished school I decided that I wanted to volunteer before starting to study at university and I chose the European Solidarity Corps to do so. After a while it became clear that I really wanted to take part in the program that MAS Horní Pomoraví offered. I didn't really care about where I would end up as long as the program resonated with what I wanted to do. That's how I came to live in a small town called Zábřeh in the Czech Republic.

However, all of of the above still doesn't explain why this blog exists. Zábřeh is a town in the Šumperk district (or Okres Šumperk). I realised that I didn't really know a lot about this new place I was living in and thought about the huge number of people all round the world and even the Czech Republic that have no idea that all these places exist. This is why I decided to take it upon myself to try and shine a light on them.

While researching I also realised that there is not a ton of information in English about the various towns in the Šumperk district online. This is also a reason why I think this blog could be helpful.

Furthermore, I won't be travelling all by myself. To really capture the vibe of the destinations my friend Tina will accompany me and take pictures of everything we see.

To wrap it up this blog is for whoever would like to read it - foreigners, local people, and whoever accidentally stumbles across it. You'll be able to discover a new hidden gem of the Czech Republic every week - stay tuned!

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